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Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a volume Acta Physica Polonica A.
Manuscripts (original + 1 copy +
copyright transfer form ),
prepared according to the
to authors of papers (pdf version of guide
is a here)
in APPA, should be delivered to the conference office on the first day of
the conference (i.e. Monday, June 20th, 2016). An
electronic version of the manuscripts should be send via email to b.witkowski@jaszowiec.edu.pl (original + scan of the filled and signed copyright transfer form) till the first day of the conference (Monday, June 20Mth, 2016).
The papers will be subject to an internal review procedure of APPA.
All the contributed papers should have character of short conference communications and they must not exceed the length of three printed pages in Acta Physica Polonica A.
There is no length restriction for invited papers.
To help you estimate the length of the manuscript, we give here a few hints.
A guide to estimate the length of the paper as it will appear in print.
Three printed pages of Acta Physica Polonica A are equivalent to about 15000 characters of text (excluding spaces). This value excludes the title, authors list with three different affiliations, about 250 characters long abstract and PACS numbers, all of these being equivalent to about 3200 characters. One column of two-column page consists of about 58 lines of text with no formulas, figures nor tables. Each line of text in one column consists of about 55 characters. Using formulas or tables, their equivalent length in characters can be estimated individually using formating for such column of text given above in word editor. Also, an equivalent length of reference list should be estimated based on such column's format. One figure of square shape, positioned in a single column of printed text, is equivalent to about 1400 characters including short caption. Symbols on figures should be well-readable after reducing the size of figure to fit into a single column. Section titles mentioned in the APPA guide to authors of papers may be omitted in short conference communications papers adopted by this conference.
Proceedings of previous editions of the "Jaszowiec" Conference: