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Leonard Sosnowski Prize
Traditionally, during the "Jaszowiec" Conference's banquet, the Leonard Sosnowski Prize ceremony is taking place.
This award, although being granted only to the students of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, is closely related to "Jaszowiec" School and Conference.
A few words of information on the prize.
Professor Leonard Sosnowski was the founder of semiconductor physics at the University of Warsaw and generally in Poland. About 20 years ago the group of his former students working mainly in USA founded the association "Polish physicists abroad". This group has established the Leonard Sosnowski Prize. The award, by the decision of it's founders, was addressed to the students of 4-th year of physics studies at the University of Warsaw, who specialize in solid state physics, either experimental or theoretical. The aim of the prize was to support the winner, also financially, during his/her 5-th year of studies, which is a year of preparation of the master thesis, so he/she would have a more comfortable time preparing the thesis. Since 2010 the prize is co-founded by those solid state physicists from abroad who either have been educated at the University of Warsaw or feel scientifically and emotionally related with the University, as well as professors from the semiconductor physics community in Warsaw.
The actual members of the board of governors (capitulum) which every year grants the prize to the best student are:
- Professor Teresa Rząca-Urban, the Dean of Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
- Professor Michał Baj (Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw)
- Professor Witold Bardyszewski (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw)
- Professor Andrzej Golnik (Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw)
- Professor Tomasz Story (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
The amount granted to a prize winner rised in time and now it is at the level of 6-7 thousand of polish zloty, depending on the actual financial conditions.
The funds collected can be used solely for the prize and related taxes. The funds are deposited in the separated account by the University of Warsaw Foundation.
The prize is granted annually during "Jaszowiec" School and Conference.