About the conferenceImportant datesAbstracts submissionSchool - Special
Tutorial SessionInvited speakersProgramRegistration feesProceedingsPresentationsVenueConference busesExhibitorsSponsorsPartnersLeonard Sosnowski PrizeCommitteesExcursionContactRegistration
Tutorial SessionInvited speakersProgramRegistration feesProceedingsPresentationsVenueConference busesExhibitorsSponsorsPartnersLeonard Sosnowski PrizeCommitteesExcursionContactRegistration
Deadlines & News
Please forward the correspondence to the secretary of the Conference:
Dr Bartłomiej Witkowski
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences
al. Lotników 32/46
02-668 Warszawa, Poland
phone: +48 22 116 3148
fax: +48 22 843 09 26
Please use official e-mail address of the Conference: