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School - Special Tutorial Session
The Special Tutorial Session (School) in solid state physics will take place just before the Conference, during the weekend of 18th - 19th of June, 2016. There will be five lectures during the school given by outstanding scientists and addressed to undergraduate, PhD students, and young researchers. The aim is to expose young people to new ideas and concepts from the frontier of semiconductor physics, and provide an opportunity to interact with renowned scientists, leaders of their field of study. A relaxed schedule, friendly atmosphere, and comfortable venue will provide time, space, and ambience to discuss the lectures and semiconductor physics in general.
Invited speakers:
- Steven Blundell (University of Oxford)
Magnetism: from molecules to materials - Eugenio Coronado (University of Valencia)
Molecular Spintronics - Krzysztof Dybko (Institute of Physics PAS)
Electrical transport in topological insulators - Ermin Malic (Chalmers University of Technology)
Microscopic view on the ultrafast carrier dynamics in graphene - Darell Schlom (Cornell University)
Thin-Film Alchemy: Using Strain and Dimensionality to Unleash the Hidden Properties of Oxides
Student grants
A limited number of grants is planned to be offered to partially cover the costs of student participation in the courses. Priority will be given to the students whose conference abstracts are accepted. The necessary condition to obtain a student grant is participation in the School. The student can receive the financial grant only twice during her/his participation in "Jaszowiec" Schools.
Applications for the support should be submitted by the student's supervisor before April 1st 2016 directly to the Chair of the Special Tutorial Session:
Dr Marta Gryglas-Borysiewicz
Faculty of Physics
University of Warsaw
Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, POLAND
ph.+ 48 22 55 32 704