Abstracts submission
In order to submit an abstract, please create an account in our on-line submission system: registration.jaszowiec.edu.pl.
We accept abstracts in PDF format only.
Please read below if you are not familiar with PDF-formated file creation.
All abstracts should be of one-page A4 length.
PDF- formated file can be created by using virtual printers (if your text processor does not have native PDF file output), which allow to produce PDF file from any application which can print.
We may advise using the following open source or freeware virtual printers, which were tested by us under MS Windows (must be downloaded and installed on your computer):
There are also many others for various operating systems. MS Word, Open Office and most LaTeX environments allow to produce PDF files natively.
Please make sure to include all the fonts used in your abstract in PDF file produced. Also please do not disable printing from your PDF file, and check that Adobe Reader (Acrobat) can open your file correctly.
Please limit the PDF file size of your abstract to not more than ~100 kB. If the resultant file is bigger please reduce the resolution of graphics included in the abstract.
The abstract book in printed paper version will be produced directly from the PDF abstract files submitted. So solely authors are responsible for the look of their abstract in the abstract book.
To standardize the look of abstracts we require authors to use one of the templates in MS Word (*.doc) or LaTeX 2e (*.tex) file formats (or format their abstract in a very similar manner):
MS WORD (.doc) LaTeX template (.tex) LaTeX instruction (.pdf)These templates contain more detailed instructions how to prepare your abstract. Please do not reduce the margins on A4 page templates.